Dave Hilditch

Dave has been programming since 6 years old and has been developing Wordpress plugins, themes and websites since 2010. In the past he built the browse view technology for Skyscanner and now he helps clients with interesting website challenges. He is always on at least one of his computers when he's awake, so get in touch and he'll get right back to you.


  1. Jordan
    February 13, 2016 @ 5:12 pm

    Hi Dave,

    Do you find php7 faster than HHVM?


    • Dave Hilditch
      February 13, 2016 @ 5:42 pm

      It depends on the type of load on the server. In almost all cases, HHVM is still faster – it is compiled after all, versus interpreted PHP 7. I normally set up HHVM as the primary engine with fallback to PHP 7 in case of incompatibilities (server 500 errors).

      If a client’s server doesn’t have much RAM, then I just use PHP 7 for them as the performance problems caused by reduced memory (because running two engines) is a bigger impact. I’m expecting further performance improvements from both HHVM and PHP 7 in the future. PHP 7 is definitely FAR better than PHP 5.6.

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